(picture courtesy of Warner Bros.)
I remember reading "Where the Wild Things Are" when I was in Kindergarten and we would go to the library for our "reading" day when the librarian would read to us and we got to look for books to check out for the week. Never did I think that this book would become picked up and made into a movie and now an influence for a collaborated jewelry line.
Spike Jonze, the Director of "Where the Wild Things Are" The Film is collaborating with line, Opening Ceremony for a few pieces that are a bit 'wild', but the amount that's just right.
With wife Michelle Williams being the Chic chick that she is that I'm pretty sure she also had an influence on the pieces...or at least I hope so!

(pictured above from left to right, Michelle Williams, Matilda Ledger, & Spike Jonze)

ANYWAY!...Here are the pieces (above) Jonze and Opening Ceremony are presenting. Pretty cool if I do say so myself.