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Visual Journalism Student/ Photographer/Fashion Blogger. I love finding beauty where others don't, and I believe art can be found almost everywhere. Old and new, we can learn from all, and getting to a place where you can realize that is probably the most freeing a person can feel ever. But basically I love Fashion, and the designers are the artists with visions and their canvas' are us and the world, and I love helping spreading that message. "Ultimately isn't that fashion is about? We're all a bunch of big kids playing dress up." Feel free to e-mail me @ andrewwwhester@gmail.com to talk about anything!


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Friday, August 14, 2009

Travel to the New Moon

Louis Vuitton created a trunk in commemoration of the 40th Anniversary of the First Landing on the Moon last month and it is being on exhibit American Museum of Natural History. What is the price tag?! (Story)

& Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner are on the new cover of Entertainment Weekly this week in a Special DOUBLE Issue featuring films coming out this fall! (EW.com)

Katie Holmes is designing her own clothing line!
Should be chic if it's anything like her own style!!
Can't wait to see the FIRST Look book!

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