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Visual Journalism Student/ Photographer/Fashion Blogger. I love finding beauty where others don't, and I believe art can be found almost everywhere. Old and new, we can learn from all, and getting to a place where you can realize that is probably the most freeing a person can feel ever. But basically I love Fashion, and the designers are the artists with visions and their canvas' are us and the world, and I love helping spreading that message. "Ultimately isn't that fashion is about? We're all a bunch of big kids playing dress up." Feel free to e-mail me @ andrewwwhester@gmail.com to talk about anything!


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Monday, April 13, 2009

W W W D ?

This afternoon, as I was sipping Iced Coffee, I was just about to spit it out when I realized I was in public. Why, you might ask would I want to spit out $3 coffee? Well, as I was reading THE CUT/NY Mag Fashion Blog, they reported that Whitney Port is leaving DVF and returning to People's Revolution. What will this do for the City? I am interested to see... 

On, another note, Gossip Girl is a re-run tonight and will not return until next week, guess I'll just have to find something better to do tonight...

I have a feeling it is definitely going to be worth the wait though....

Just saying...

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