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Visual Journalism Student/ Photographer/Fashion Blogger. I love finding beauty where others don't, and I believe art can be found almost everywhere. Old and new, we can learn from all, and getting to a place where you can realize that is probably the most freeing a person can feel ever. But basically I love Fashion, and the designers are the artists with visions and their canvas' are us and the world, and I love helping spreading that message. "Ultimately isn't that fashion is about? We're all a bunch of big kids playing dress up." Feel free to e-mail me @ andrewwwhester@gmail.com to talk about anything!


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Thursday, April 30, 2009

Blame it on the Hills.

SO there seems to be A LOT to talk about. 

-"Speidi" just returned from their getaway to Mexico and got off the plane at LAX with surgical masks on. Swine flu scare maybe?! Dumb & Dumber strike back. 

-Michelle Obama wore Men's Lanvin sneakers to a White House event a few days ago. Kudos to Michelle on ANOTHER European designer, and the shoes are great, but during the American recession? If you could re-think that next time and slip on some Marc Jacobs mouse flats it would be nice. Thanks. Please help out the American designers so EVERYTHING doesn't go belly up.
-Today, Birmingham was 20 out of 25 of the MOST polluted cities in America. Woohoo! 

ANDDD the BIGGEST news of all is that I think Georgina is putting on a nice "Holier than thou" front on GG, but I'm not buying it. I hope the ways of the old Georgie come back and The Kills and Junkie XL can rule the Upper East Side soundtrack until the season finale! We can only hope.

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