So, this post is going to be completely FULL of random thoughts and random/interesting things I have encountered with in the past week...Here goes!
As I was driving home to Birmingham last Saturday afternoon, my car decided to get a little heated...and overheat completely leaving me and my friend Sarah stranded to wait for it to cool down. Since my car has had a mind of its own since I inherited it in 2003 it has been a pain in the ass. One problem after another, so my parents decided to finally send it in to the shop for one last FINAL CHECK-UP/FIX-UP. SO---without vehicle in Tuscaloosa, my Mother decided to let me drive her Volvo. What more do I say other than...I have fallen in love with it. :-) Hopefully my parents are out looking for a used one as I type!!!...I can only wish. Preferably this one, Thanks!

I saw Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince at a matinee yesterday and I can't help but notice that Hermoine's (Emma Watson) love interest, Cormac McLaggen, played by Freddie Stroma, in the movie has a very "Sebastian Valmont"/Ryan Phillippe/Cruel Intentions look to him. What do you think? He was also previously an underwear model for Acne!! Check it out here!

(pictured right, Freddie Stroma, below, Sebastian Valmont, Ryan Phillippe)

The CFDA announced its new members and among them are the Mary-Kate Olsen, Ashley Olsen, and Alexander Wang! (story from NYLONBlogs)

& Lastly, but CERTAINLY not least, The Sartorialist book arrives August 12th. Pre-Order Me Please!!!

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