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Visual Journalism Student/ Photographer/Fashion Blogger. I love finding beauty where others don't, and I believe art can be found almost everywhere. Old and new, we can learn from all, and getting to a place where you can realize that is probably the most freeing a person can feel ever. But basically I love Fashion, and the designers are the artists with visions and their canvas' are us and the world, and I love helping spreading that message. "Ultimately isn't that fashion is about? We're all a bunch of big kids playing dress up." Feel free to e-mail me @ andrewwwhester@gmail.com to talk about anything!


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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I'm Sorry Ms. Jackson...

The Jacksons were chic at Michael's funeral and all wore Versace in remembrance?...(I guess?) It was reportedly one of his favorite brands, but I have a feeling he didn't rack up on many collections before he passed seeing as how he was broke. =/ So I guess they couture in his honor :-)

This morning was the first time I had the chance to look at the Couture shows...and I ran across Chanel, which from what I saw, was ALL about coat tails and beads, which is NOT a bad thing.
Every look looks like they should have a $5,000 price tag!
Here are some of my favorites...

Hopefully soon to be worn by Rihanna! (Above Jacket...it just reminds me of edgy and outgoing style.)
This one reminds me of a pair of Loubuitons! (Below)

& This is just an Amazing picture I found recently of 4 Amazing Women at a recent Swarovski who are all recognized in the Fashion World for their interesting and classic styles.
(from left to right...Chloe Sevigny, Blake Lively, Rachel Evan Wood, & Lucy Lui)

& in Random, BUT exciting news!!!...Cobra Starship is playing in ATL in August on their U.S. tour, and I just found out about it today, and I WANT TO GO!
Maybe LEIGHTON MEESTER will make an appearance!!!

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