I have been watching old re-runs of "Square Pegs" on Hulu off and on today. It's getting kind of pathetic. I will finish an episode and then start a new one. Too bad it only lasted one Season because I'm hooked. Sarah Jessica Parker is just as witty then as her recent Sex And The City days. I came across it on Hulu while I was browsing through shows to watch, and I remember my Mom telling me that she used to watch it so I decided to watch it. Now I'm hooked. Probably be buying the Complete Series on dvd ASAP!
Look at how similar she looks from Pegs to City!

Also there was another SHOE MENSWEAR watch today @ Men.Style so I have to talk about that. The shoes featured are from the Prada show, & I don't know how I feel about them other than I WOULD DEF. wear them. They sort of remind me of Crocs, but Chic/Prada Crocs with a bigger price tag and NOT Bozo the clown like.
Check them out for yourself below!

& I would like to show some of my favorite looks from the the recent JOHN VARVATOS show.

OH ANDDD! There is a phone called the "Android" that apparently has a flash feature with it now, and I thought it was funny so I thought I would blog about it because that is what Nick and Rhonda call me as a nickname!
It is a pretty cool looking phone, but does it beat the 3G S?! Probably not. :-)

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